KFA - Karate For All

Members of the English Karate Federation


Below you will see all of the available News items. Click the + next to the News Title to view the News item

  • +13/11/2024The sad passing of Sensei RogerMany of you already know, but it is with great sadness that we must report the passing of our own Sensei Roger. He was taken from us far too soon after a period of illness, and his teachings, kindness and spirit will be missed greatly by all at KFA, many of whom had known Roger as a friend for decades.

    His funeral will be held at Waseley Hills Crematorium, New Inns Lane, Rubery, at 12 noon on Wednesday 27th of November 2024. The service will be followed by a reception at Hagley Golf Club, on Wassell Grove Lane.
  • +25/04/20225th May training cancelled for electionsThe Crystal Leisure Centre will be the venue for the vote count in the upcoming local elections, therefore, usual training has had to be cancelled. If the slot is replaced with another club social event (meal, etc.), we will notify members a.s.a.p.
  • +27/01/2021A farewell to Sensei Arthur CallaghanIt is with great sadness we hear of the awful news regarding Arthur.

    We have been blessed to have known such a lovely man, with a big heart and infectious humour.

    Karate For All students wish to send their deepest sympathies to his family, during these difficult times. Arthur will be in our hearts forever and we will never forget him.

    I remember the days when Sensei Kimura would ask to see his favourite chef whenever he was in the country teaching. Before long Arthur also joined Shukokai Karate under the instruction of Shihan Daniels in the Shukokai Karate Federation, where they enjoyed a great friendship over many years.

    The attached picture was typical of Arthurs humour and how he made you feel every time you met with him. I have so many memories from the years we spent together, each one bringing a huge smile, which is how Arthur will always be remembered. What a lovely man.

    I am deeply saddened by the loss that Anthony, Julie and Arthur’s family have encountered. We were so lucky to have him in our life and I will miss him.

    ~Sensei Paul Acton~
  • +29/09/2020Training during Covid19As many of you will already know, we stopped training during the recent pandemic lockdown, and only returned to training once restrictions were eased.

    We will continue to train on all training days listed, and follow recommendations for covid19 prevention whilst in the club. Should the rules or guidance change, we will, of course, respond accordingly.

    We would encourage any potential new members or those wondering what to expect from training whilst remaining safe from coronavirus, to come and (socially distance) observe a lesson, so you can see what to expect. New students are always welcome, even in a pandemic!
  • +28/01/2020Shukokai's Shihan Eddie Daniels passes suddenlyIt is with great sadness that we mark the passing of an exceptional martial artist, as well as an inspirational teacher to many of us at KFA, Shihan Eddie Daniels. Shihan Daniels died suddenly on Saturday 25th January 2020. Our style of karate can trace a direct line through Shihan Eddie Daniels to the founder of modern Shukokai, Sensei Shigeru Kimura, and with his death comes the loss to karate of an extraordinary amount of knowledge and skill. Our sympathies go to Shihan Daniels' family and friends at this very sad time.
  • +28/11/2019Xmas training times announcedThe festive season approaches and as usual, KFA will be taking its annual Christmas break.

    KFA Stourbridge

    Last training: Tuesday 19th December 2019
    Return: Tuesday 7th January 2020

    Please see your local instructor for other KFA training times.
  • +28/11/2019Training cancelled for General ElectionOn December 12th, there will be no training as the Leisure Centre will be used as a polling station for the General Election.

    Instead, there will be a club meal, and all students and families are invited. Details will follow shortly.
  • +13/12/2016Dates for the KFA Christmas BreakHere are the 2016 Christmas Break Dates:

    KFA Dudley

    Last training: Wednesday 14th December 2016
    Return: Tuesday 3rd January 2017

    KFA Stourbridge

    Last training: Tuesday 20th December 2016
    Return: Thursday 5th January 2017

  • +23/11/2015KFA Stourbridge and Dudley Christmas BreakThe Christmas break dates for KFA Stourbridge and KFA Dudley are announced. The last training session before Christmas will be:

    KFA Dudley - Wednesday 16th December.
    KFA Stourbridge - Thursday 17th December.

    The first training session of the new year will be on Tuesday 5th January for both KFA Dudley and KFA Stourbridge.
  • +23/11/2015Look-back at the KFA Autmun CourseAfter another successful KFA course, it's worth looking back and taking stock of what was learnt and what we can take forward into our individual training in the club.

    Firstly, it was great to see so many junior and middle grades at a course again. A course is the one time we can all come together and take a closer look at a technique, sequence or set-form, and all learn and improve together. Although some aspects of the course were quite advanced, everyone was able to raise their game and take something away from it.

    Sensei Phil Whyte started the session off by looking at gearing and using it to cover and set in our kata. Sensei Paul Acton continued this by taking the setup and using it to counter an attack. Finally, Sensei Alex Whyte looked at using the set and counter to their most effective outcome.

    We hope you all enjoyed the course. Keep checking your gearing and make sure that you and your fellow students are not letting your quality of stance weaken. Happy training!
  • +23/11/2015Successful Dan Grades at the Post Autumn CourseThe bonus grading after the Autumn 2015 course was a great success and everyone that passed deserves congratulations for their commitment and dedication.

    Special mention though must go to the Dan grades that were successfully achieved by some very deserving students, so our heartfelt congratulations go to:

    Martin White - 2nd Dan
    David Thomas - 3rd Dan
    Callum Whatmore - 3rd Dan
    Craig Stark - 3rd Dan
    Roger White - 3rd Dan
  • +08/12/2014KFA website goes mobileThe KFA Website has been redesigned. You may not notice a change in the way it looks but that would depend on what device you're viewing it on.

    Although the KFA website isn't very old, you've probably noticed that the way we browse the web has changed. In fact, the whole internet has changed massively since the proliferation of internet enabled devices has gone mainstream. Now, the number of people browsing on phones and tablets has become a significant part of the viewing audience and the previous KFA website wasn't making the most of the technology available.

    The new KFA website reshapes itself depending on the device size you are viewing it on, so that browsing on a phone is no longer a pinch-zoom affair. We hope you like the upgrade.

    If you do spot any issues with the site in its new form, please drop us a line at web@karateforall.co.uk. but before you do, make sure you are looking at the latest version of the page by clicking the 'Refresh' option in you browser (CTRL+F5 on a laptop or desktop) or clearing your cache.
  • +01/12/2014KFA Clothing 2014 available for ChristmasWe now have our range of KFA branded clothing available to purchase just in time for Christmas. As this offer is currently only available to KFA members, please contact your Sensei for more details.

    See the complete KFA Clothing Range 2014.
  • +25/11/2014KFA Autumn Course 2014 RecapSunday 23rd November 2014 saw the KFA Autumn Course held at Stourbridge Crystal Leisure Centre. The turnout was very good and it was great to see so many new students and beginner grades attending.

    The first part of the course was taken by Sensei Phil Whyte. Students were encouraged to look at kata as more than just a set of moves, and to try to see the strength of the individual moves and how they could be used or modified for other attacks and techniques.

    Sensei Paul Acton taught the second part of the course where students continued to look at the moves within kata and the methods that could be used to get more power and speed into those moves.

    Finally, Sensei Alex Whyte taught the last part of the course. His focus was on fighting techniques and how moving laterally during a fight can offer further chances to score hits whilst remaining out of danger.

    All the lessons had one thing in common - they encouraged all KFA students to re-think moves and techniques learnt long ago, and in doing so, progress in their own studies.
  • +15/11/2014New KFA page on Google+For those of you that like their social media a little more Google flavoured, you will be pleased to hear that we have now launched our Google+ page. Go to https://www.google.com/+KarateforallCoUkkfa and 'FOLLOW' us.
  • +14/04/2014Valuable insight learnt in the KFA spring courseI think we can all agree that the recent spring course held at KFA Stourbridge was well received by all attending students. The course focused on the principals of a strong kata and saw Sensei Alex demonstrate and teach kata techniques that can be taken forward into all katas.

    After the course several students successfully achieved their next belt in the post-course bonus grading. Congratulations to them and thanks to all those that made the effort to attend the course.
  • +18/02/2013KFA at the UK Open ChampionshipsSunday the 17th of Feb saw the UK Open Karate Championships held at Haden Hill Leisure Centre. After a superb day of Competition, The 6 competitors from KFA came away with 5 Gold, 5 Silver and 2 Bronze medals. Thanks to all the hard work put in by the students (and, often of course, the parents) who all worked together to make this a truly inspiring event.
  • +26/11/2011Go to the Articles section for the latest updatesGo to the Articles section on the website to see the latest stories.
  • +13/11/2011KFA Tournament 2011This tournament is open to all students. Please see your instructor for full
    Go to the Articles section and Competion Results on the website to see the latest stories.

  • +02/10/2011Dan Gradings and presentations 2011The gradings will take place in the Dance Studio at the Crystal Leisure Centre. They will begin at 1.30pm and finish at 4.30pm. Please see your instructor for further information.
    Go to the Articles section on the website to see the latest stories.

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